• CrossFit is a precise combination of exercise and nutrition that has been proven to increase fitness and health for people of all ages and abilities. The program produces observable results that can be measured and replicated. CrossFit is a lifestyle characterised by safe, effective exercise and sound nutrition. CrossFit can be used to accomplish any goal, from improved health to weight loss to better performance. The program works for everyone — people who are just starting out and people who have trained for years.

    All of our coaches at CrossFit Banbury have a minimum CF-L1 qualification as well as other external qualifications, so they are able to support and motivate clients. CrossFit Banbury is the only licenced CrossFit Affiliate in Banbury.

  • No. CrossFit is the program that will get you in shape. No matter what your current fitness level is, you can start CrossFit. As you become fitter, workouts will become more challenging. Every workout is designed to help you succeed, improve fitness and move you toward your goals

  • To start your journey at CrossFit Banbury you first must complete a CrossFit beginners cycle. These cycles have been made by our coaches and tested by many of our current members. Our Members have thoroughly enjoyed these cycles and learnt fundamental skills needed in CrossFit. The CrossFit beginners cycle helps you learn the fundamental movements and lingo that you find in CrossFit classes. This is so you can preform them safely and comfortably in a class circumstance.

  • Yes. CrossFit training is very safe, and sitting on your couch is actually incredibly dangerous. In CrossFit boxes, credentialed trainers provide precise instructions and coaching to help people move safely and efficiently, helping people avoid all the diseases that come from inactivity, obesity and poor nutrition.